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BOE Report Scheduler Asking for Context

Many SAP Business Objects 4 users have report scheduling complaints which are based on a universe designed in Information Design Tool and have a design that allows context selection. Issue is that when report is scheduled that can take two different paths, it ask for the context but available list of context is not displayed, resulting in the in-ability to schedule the report. Up-till SP4 (service pack 4) SAP has not released a fix for this and until that time, following are the do's and don't's for scheduling a report containing context choices:

  1. Create a new report and in the query panel set option to save the context choice
  2. Save the report
  3. Open the report and refresh the report using refresh icon on the top
  4. Select the context of choice
  5. Once report is refreshed, save it again
  6. Do not change the selection of the query objects in the query panel. Once you change objects and save it, you will not be able to schedule this report again. The only work around would be to re-create the report from scratch by following through step 1 to step 5

Good luck!

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