Installing IBM Netezza ODBC Drivers on AIX
AIX Version: 6.1 (64-bit)
Netezza NPS Version: 6.0.8
- NPS Client for AIX (Can be downloaded from FixCentral)
- DataDirect for AIX (Usually packaged with AIX ODBC drivers obtained from FixCentral)
- UTF8 installed on AIX
- Extract NPS Client into a directory of choise
- Run ./unpack command to extract NPS client
- It should install Netezza ODBC drivers in /usr/local/nz
- untar DataDirect package
- Place odbc64v51 folder to /opt/
- Change the owner (CHOWN) to the application user or group who is going to use this
- Place .odbc.ini and .odbcinst.ini under user folder or at a share location where more than one user can access it
- Create odbc.ini link to .odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini to .odbcinst.ini
- Add following paths to user profiles
- LIBPATH =$LIBPATH:/opt/odbc64v51/lib:/usr/local/nz/lib64
- PATH =$PATH:/usr/local/nz/bin:/usr/local/nz/bin64
- NZ_ODBC_INI_PATH= [path to ini files]
- Goto /usr/local/nz/lib64 and create libnzodbc.so linked to libnzodbc.a (ln -s libnzodbc.a libnzodbc.so)
- Modify .odbc.ini and .odbcinst.ini to point to libnzodbc.so
- Change a variable "UnicodeTranslationOption" in .odbcinst.ini to UTF8
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